Building Secure Systems: The Power of Implementing Security by Design

Building Secure Systems: The Power of Implementing Security by Design

Security by Design is a security solution that is applied preventively and seeks to introduce the factors of security into the process of system development. Unlike in other approaches where security is an afterthought to the architecture, this methodology entails security concepts and measures in the design process. The idea is to ensure that the systems are inherently secure and safeguarded and that the threats are contained.

Security by Design is a concept that postulates that security should be a consideration at the time of designing a system, not an add-on feature. It is always advisable to plan for security to ensure that there are no possibilities of having a less secure and unreliable system hence security planning. This shifts away from security as an augmentation of a system, and incorporates it as a primary layer of protection put in place during the process of building the system.

Benefits of Secure Systems

Implementing Security by Design offers numerous benefits that can have a significant impact on your organization:

  • Enhanced Security: This is why it is recommended that security be implemented at the architectural level because this creates systems that are more resistant to cyber threats. This does away with the risks of attacking such as data and system breach and other security risks.
  • Improved Compliance: Safe systems are generally more aware of the rules and regulations of the particular sector of the business they belong to, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI-DSS. Adhering to these regulations will help you not to violate the law and thus, do not harm your business image.
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs: Security is always less costly when it is incorporated right from the beginning of the System’s planning than when it is added at a later stage or when a breach has occurred.
  • Increased Reliability and Resilience: Security systems are created to address various kinds of threats and keep the business operations ongoing and harm minimum.
  • Enhanced Customer Trust: It also means that you can enhance the relations with the customers and stakeholders by demonstrating that you are concerned about security and privacy issues.
  • Competitive Advantage: Security can be a competitive edge in today’s world and this why security should be seen as a source of competitive advantage for an organization.

Security by Design Principles

The core principles of Security by Design include:

  • Defense in Depth: Adopting multiple layers of security that in case one layer is penetrated, then the other layer will be activated.
  • Least Privilege: Establishing the principle of least user and component privilege, that is, providing as few privileges as possible to the users and the components which are required to perform their tasks in order to minimize risks.
  • Secure by Default: To ensure that, systems reach their state of deployment with as few as possible vulnerabilities, that is, with the maximum security.
  • Separation of Concerns: In other words, the prevention of accumulation of risks and responsibilities and division of work and checks as well as the limitation of employees’ exposure to risks.
  • Secure Communication: Providing for the means of secure communication to the systems and the documents that are in transit as well as those at rest.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Improvement: The other condition would be to perform the security monitoring, testing and updating continuously to be in tandem with new threats and risks.

Common Security Vulnerabilities in Systems

In order to perform SBD, the main risks that threaten Information Security must be defined first. Some of the most prevalent vulnerabilities include:

  • Unpatched Software: This is one where the explanation is in the title, any software component that the vendor does not update and patch on a regular basis is fair game for an attacker.
  • Weak Authentication and Authorization: There is no proper identification of the users and there is no proper control of this user access.
  • Improper Input Validation: Lack of proper validation and sanitizing of the input data that can result in such issues as SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • Insecure Data Storage and Transmission: The failure to encrypt data as well as the failure to ensure adequate measures of access security when storing or transferring data.
  • Misconfigured Systems: Lack of proper systems, networks or cloud facilities that could be a threat or dangerous to an organisation.
  • Lack of Logging and Monitoring: Poor logging and monitoring mechanisms that would be of benefit in threat recognition and threats’ neutralization.
  • Supply Chain Vulnerabilities: Problems that are associated with an interface with other applications that are not created by the core team.

Measures for Implementing Security through Design

Security by Design is a process and where it is being practiced, it is done methodically. Here are the key steps to consider:

  • Establish Security Requirements: Be aware of the goals and purposes of the security, legal and regulation environment and the required tolerance level in the system.
  • Conduct Threat Modeling: Carry out the threat modeling to determine the threats, that is, what could possibly be wrong and how an attacker might attempt to violate a system.
  • Incorporate Security Controls: Ensure that the major security issues are included and they are access control, encryption, input validation, and secured communication.
  • Implement Secure Coding Practices: Make sure that your development team is following the good and safest coding practices to reduce the risks as much as possible.
  • Perform Comprehensive Testing: Security testing should be conducted frequently and vulnerability test, penetration test, security audit are some of the tests that should be conducted.
  • Implement Continuous Monitoring: Develop and maintain a standard practice of security monitoring and incident handling to recognize security threats.
  • Foster a Security-Aware Culture: Ensure that everyone in the team knows the standards that are in place, security from the development life cycle right to the secure system and everyone’s role in it.

Security by Design & Best Practice

To effectively implement Security by Design, consider the following best practices:

  • Adopt a Security-Centric Mindset: Inform your employees that security should be an inherent feature in all the products and services that you are offering.
  • Involve Security Experts: Engage the security specialists for instance the security architect, penetration tester as well as any other cyber security personnel in the SDLC process.
  • Leverage Security Frameworks and Standards: The security activities should be in concordance with the best practices as described in NIST, ISO, or OWASP, for instance.
  • Implement Secure Development Lifecycle: Decrease security as an add-on in the software development life cycle and rather make it as a constituent in the software development life cycle as threat identification, coding and evaluation.
  • Automate Security Processes: Introduce automation in security and security processes so that there is a limited reliance on human beings to enhance the quality of results.
  • Continuously Monitor and Improve: Check on the validity of the control environment, policies and process with the aim of establishing whether the security controls are applicable to the current day risks and threats.
  • Foster Collaboration and Communication: Promote the cross-section of development, operation and security so that each team contributes towards coming up with a security solution.


Implementing Security by Design is a powerful approach to building secure and resilient systems. By proactively addressing security concerns from the ground up, you can create systems that are inherently more secure, compliant, and trustworthy. By following the principles and best practices outlined in this article, you can unlock the benefits of secure systems and gain a competitive advantage in today’s technology-driven landscape.

Written by Avatier Office