Enhancing User Authentication: Building the Foundation for NIS2 and DORA

Enhancing User Authentication: Building the Foundation for NIS2 and DORA

User authentication is the most fundamental component of digital security since it is the only way to limit access to information and actions to certain people. With the world progressing to become more and more technology based, and with the ever increasing threats of data breaches, cyber criminals, and hackers, user authentication has become a necessity for any security system today.

Inadequate or outdated authentication techniques are the leading causes of system insecurity since they expose systems to malicious activities such as unauthorized access, theft of information, and other unlawful acts. 

In this article, we will discuss the main ideas and recommendations on improving user authentication and focus on the Network and Information Systems Directive 2 (NIS2) and the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) – two regulations that define the company’s cybersecurity agenda.

Improving User Authentication with DORA

Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is a recent regulation proposed by the EU’s EU Commission to enhance the cybersecurity readiness of financial organizations and other essential service entities. In fact, the core of the DORA requirements is the focus on the strong user identification as the basis of protection against cyber threats.

DORA proposes that financial entities apply SCA measures that are multiple factor authentication that help in identifying the users. This approach, known as multi-factor authentication (MFA), significantly enhances the security of your user authentication processes by requiring users to provide at least two independent elements from the following categories: something the user knows like a password, something the user has like a token, and something the user is like biometric data.

If your organization follows all of the guidelines set by DORA regarding user authentication, you will be able to safeguard your organization from intruders while at the same time showcasing your compliance with regulation and the safety of the customers’ data. Adopting measures that are compliant with DORA can also assist you in gaining the trust of your clients since they are knowledgeable about the need to have better measures in place to secure their data.

The implementation of User Authentication through NIS2

The other important regulation is the Network and Information Systems Directive 2 (NIS2), which targets a lot of attention to the user authentication procedures. Designed for strengthening cybersecurity protection of the infrastructures and assets, NIS2 has envisioned the organizations to implement appropriate user authentication measures for the protection of the systems and data.

As per the requirement of NIS2, the organization needs to restrict the access to the network and information system to only those who are authorized. This includes something like two factor authentication and proper access control where the users are reviewed periodically and their access rights changed as needed.

To comply with NIS2, you must adopt a comprehensive approach to user authentication, incorporating measures such as:

  • Strong Password Policies: To solve the problem of users using weak or compromised passwords, ensure that passwords meet complexity requirements, be frequently changed and managed properly.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication: Note that the user should provide at least two factors: password, one-use code, or biometric data to get through your systems.
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM): Implement good IAM solutions to guarantee that user identities and the access control as well as the authentication process are centralized in your firm.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Auditing: Conduct periodic audits of user access activities, conduct thorough investigations of all suspicious activity, and finally conduct vulnerability tests to assess the ongoing effectiveness of your authentication solutions.

Therefore, if you have adopted user authentication practices and want to enhance the organizational security level, demonstrate compliance with the NIS2 requirements, and show the company’s capacity to protect critical infrastructure, it is critical to align the practices with the NIS2 needs.

Implementation of NIS2 and DORA: Issues and Factors

While the implementation of NIS2 and DORA user authentication requirements can provide significant security benefits, it also presents several challenges and considerations that organizations must address:

  • Integration with Existing Systems: In other words, integrating new user authentication technologies and processes into your organization’s IT framework is not an easy task. Transition is therefore very important and should be done in a phased manner and a lot of care taken to avoid any hitches.
  • User Experience and Adoption: As much as the security of the application is a fact, to improve the security, one has to incorporate measures like the multi-factor authentication hence affecting the user experience. It is always wishy-washy between security and convenience thus security measures should be done in a way that is acceptable to the users.
  • Regulatory Compliance: However, it is rather difficult to navigate through the regulation web created by NIS2 and DORA. This means that it is very difficult to be consistent with the updated requirements and manage compliance on going which can be a thorn in the neck of any organization.
  • Incident Response and Disaster Recovery: Another important aspect is to ensure that there exist sound user authentication measures in order to ensure the availability and operability of the systems after an attack or any other calamity.
  • Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance: The user authentication is not an implementation that happens once, but it is one that has to be checked, monitored, maintained and updated from time to time, due to the new threats that may appear or the new regulations that may be introduced.

Knowledge of such factors and concerns will enable you to realize the implementation of NIS2 and DORA-compliant user authentication to safeguard your organization against threats.

Security and Authentication Standards in NIS2 and DORA

To effectively implement user authentication measures that align with NIS2 and DORA requirements, consider the following best practices:

  • Adopt a Risk-Based Approach: Assess the existence of the specific risks and opportunities in your organization and modify the strategies to user authentication accordingly. This may call for the application of higher controls on the risky systems or the data that is considered to be sensitive.
  • Implement Multi-Factor Authentication: Require the users to input a password, a one use code or even a biometric identification number to gain access into the systems and applications.
  • Leverage Biometric Authentication: Optimize the level of security and convenience of the user identification methods by applying the biometrics identification.
  • Centralize Identity and Access Management: There is also the need to incorporate a good IAM solution to manage user identities, rights and authentication in your firm.
  • Provide Ongoing User Training and Awareness: Make your employees understand why user authentication is essential, the different types of user authentication, and why they are important when it comes to security of the systems.
  • Regularly Review and Update Authentication Policies: It is recommended to review and update your user authentication policies and limitations on a regular basis depending on the new threats, changes in legislation, and trends in technologies.
  • Implement Robust Logging and Monitoring: Implement detailed logging and monitoring to analyze the actions of a user and potential security risks.
  • Ensure Secure Credential Storage and Transmission: Also, to avoid cases of hacking into the user’s account, special precautions such as encryption and hashing of the username and password should be used.
  • Collaborate with Regulatory Authorities: However, to get more information about the current state of NIS2 and DORA compliance, it is essential to refer to the organizations such as the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and national cybersecurity agencies.

Using the given guidance, it is possible to design a secure and compliant user authentication system that will enhance the overall security and stability of the organisation.


Therefore, in the current world where the threats are ever changing in the digital world, improving the user authentication is a must-do for security. When your user authentication procedures meet the needs of NIS2 and DORA, your business and its valuable information can be protected, as well as the concern for compliance and users’ confidence can be addressed.

Written by Avatier Office