The Importance of User Access Reviews: Safeguarding Secure Access in a NIS2/DORA World

The Importance of User Access Reviews: Safeguarding Secure Access in a NIS2/DORA World

The appearance of the Network and Information Systems Directive 2 (NIS2) and the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) has placed user access reviews as a critical factor in a firm’s security plan.

These new regulatory frameworks require organizations to put in place rigid access control measures and constantly review users’ access to confidential data and applications. Violation of these regulations comes with severe consequences and loss of reputation, which calls for organizations to pay attention to the user access reviews.

Implementing User Access Reviews for Secure Access

User access reviews are another process that is vital to ensure that no unauthorized personnel gains access to the organization’s valuable assets. Hence, in order to minimize the number of insiders with the right level of access, one has to review and validate user access privileges periodically and consistently.

Through user access reviews, you can:

  • Identify and Eliminate Unnecessary Access: Periodic checks on the user access rights help the organization to eliminate those rights that are no longer needed or relevant, thus lowering the risk of a breach.
  • Enforce the Principle of Least Privilege: This means that the user access should be based on the principle of least privilege, which means that an employee should only be given the necessary privileges to do his or her work to avoid the worst in case of an attack.
  • Detect and Address Anomalies: User access reviews will be beneficial in any case to discover any specific access anomalies or attempts and effectively respond to security threats and their consequences.
  • Maintain Regulatory Compliance: Complying with the access control requirements as indicated in NIS2 and DORA through effective user access reviews is a clear show of compliance hence reducing the risk of incurring costly penalties.

NIS2/DORA World: New Dawn of User Access Reviews

Because of NIS2 and DORA, user access reviews are far more important than before, and organisations have began to introduce more frequent and complex access control measures.

According to NIS2 organisations must implement adequate and reasonable technical and organisational measures to protect risks to the security of network and information systems that they use in their activities and this entails user control and the review of user control.

Similarly, DORA requires the financial institutions to implement adequate access controls and an authentication mechanism to protect the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of data and functions; user access reviews are an essential component of this requirement to control and monitor users’ access to sensitive financial data and functions.

Challenges and Risks in User Access Reviews

As it will be realised in the course of this paper, it is not without its own challenges to conduct efficient user access reviews. Organizations may face obstacles such as:

  • Complexity of Access Management: With increased user, application, and system usage in an organization, it becomes hard to track and manage access rights.
  • Lack of Visibility: There are some risks associated with the users and the rights and actions that they can perform within the system and if there is no proper control over them, it can become a serious issue in the security aspect.
  • Ineffective Processes: When the organisations have outdated and inefficient methods of performing an access review, they are likely to have an incomplete or an inaccurate access review which is a big security risk to the organisations.
  • Resistance to Change: Some employees may be reluctant to cooperate in user access reviews thinking of them as unnecessary and invasive which is counterproductive.

Alleviation of these challenges is crucial in minimizing the risks that are related to poor user access controls which are as follows; data compromise, compliance and damaging of reputation.

Best Practices for the User Access Reviews

To ensure the effectiveness of your user access reviews and align with the requirements of NIS2 and DORA, consider the following best practices:

  1. Establish a Comprehensive Access Management Framework: A well documented access management policy that spells out the roles and responsibilities and the process to be followed regarding the user access review.
  2. Implement Automated Access Review Processes: The last recommendation is that user access review should be automated and this can be easily done through IAM tools which will in the long run help to reduce the time taken to review user access.
  3. Regularly Review and Update Access Privileges: It is suggested to do access reviews with the users on the specified time intervals (for example, quarterly or semi-annually) to ensure that all access rights are still necessary for the company.
  4. Involve Key Stakeholders: Discuss with the managers of business units, IT, and information security to guarantee that all the reviews of the user access are comprehensive and considering your organization’s risk factors.
  5. Provide Training and Awareness: Incorporate the training into the organization so that the employees can appreciate the importance of user access reviews and their contribution to the security and compliance of the organization.
  6. Continuously Monitor and Respond to Anomalies: It should also always be monitoring and notifying to search for any anomaly in the user access activities or any attempt of unauthorized access.
  7. Maintain Detailed Documentation: It is advisable to maintain documents on the general flow of the review of user-access policies, the findings and the measures that were implemented to address the findings in case of an audit.

It is now possible to ensure that your user access reviews are legal, efficient, and correspond to the changes in security environment caused by NIS2 and DORA using the following best practices.


In the constantly developing digital environment, in which cyber threats are relevant, user access reviews are one of the most critical components. The emergence of NIS2 and DORA has added more emphasis on the necessity of proper access management to protect your organization’s valuable information and assets.

The user access reviews will enable you to discover that only the right persons have the right level of access and reduce the risk of unauthorized access as well as meeting the current regulatory requirements. With the right approach, the right tools and the right processes, user access reviews can be turned into a powerful tool that strengthens your security stance and protects your organization’s future.

Written by Avatier Office