The Importance of User & Group Self-Service for NIS2 and DORA Compliance

The Importance of User & Group Self-Service for NIS2 and DORA Compliance

Companies need to adhere to the current standards of compliance. Two such frameworks are the Network and Information Systems 2 (NIS2) Directive and the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), and both of them stress the need for the user and group self-service as one of the key components of compliance.

User and group self-service ensures that your employees are able to set their own access rights, permission and group membership hence easing the work of the IT department in the overall access management. This not only improves the user experience but is equally important in achieving compliance with the stringent requirements set by NIS2 and DORA.

When you start adopting user and group self-service, you ensure that your organization meets the compliance level of these frameworks so that your business and your clients’ data shall be safe.

Advantages of User and Group Self-Service for NIS2 and DORA Compliance

  1. Improved Access Management: User and group self-service enables your employees to maintain their own access rights and privileges and this relieves the workload of the IT department as access is granted or denied promptly.
  2. Enhanced Security: Minimize the cases of unauthorized access and you are also able to ensure that the access rights granted meet the principle of least privilege as required by NIS2 and DORA.
  3. Streamlined Compliance Processes: User and group self-service makes it easier to prove compliance with the requirements outlined in NIS2 and DORA, because it gives a record of who made changes to access and when.
  4. Increased Productivity: User and group self-service relieves the IT team from the time-consuming work of managing access and allows them to concentrate on more important tasks, thus, increasing the overall organizational effectiveness.
  5. Improved User Experience: Enabling your personnel to control their access rights and privileges is beneficial for users as they feel they are in control of their environment.

NIS2 and DORA Compliance Requirements for User and Group Self-Service

The NIS2 Directive and the DORA framework also focus on the management of access and organization’s ability to provide user and group self-service solutions.

NIS2 Compliance Requirements:

  • Make sure that the user’s access to the network and information systems is granted based on the least privilege concept.
  • Introduce and apply the policy of user self-access which enables users to grant/revoke permissions to themselves.
  • Document all the access changes and modifications in a clear and concise manner.

DORA Compliance Requirements:

  • Create an access management framework that involves the user and groups in the process of managing their account accesses.
  • Use security measures that limit the access rights of users and ensure that users are granted the required access rights and denied other rights in the shortest time possible.
  • Make a record of all activities related to access to ensure that compliance is evident.

If you are going to integrate user and group self-service solutions with the specific needs of NIS2 and DORA, you will be able to set up your organization for success in terms of compliance with these frameworks.

Rolling Out User and Group Self-Service to Meet NIS2 and DORA Requirements

To effectively implement user and group self-service for NIS2 and DORA compliance, consider the following steps:

  • Assess Your Current Access Management Processes: Review the current state of your access management and determine where in the access management process user and group self-service can be integrated for better results.
  • Define Access Management Policies: The policies and guidelines should clearly state the principles of least privilege, access control, and user and group self-service. They should also correspond to the provisions of NIS2 and DORA where necessary.
  • Implement Self-Service Capabilities: Implement a well designed, secure and easy to use self-service application through which your employees can handle their own access privileges. Make sure that the platform has a trace of all the activities that are related to the access.
  • Provide Training and Support: Communicate to your employees the benefits of user and group self-service and how it contributes to the compliance with NIS2 and DORA. Provide them with training and other materials that can assist them in their interaction with the self-service platform.
  • Monitor and Continuously Improve: Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of your user and group self-service solution and determine whether necessary changes need to be made to meet the requirements of NIS2 and DORA.

You can make sure that the user and group self-service features match the NIS2 and DORA compliance to enhance the organization’s cybersecurity and shield your business and customers from potential threats.

NIS2 and DORA Compliance: Guidelines for User and Group Self-Service

To maximize the benefits of user and group self-service in the context of NIS2 and DORA compliance, consider the following best practices:

  • Implement Strong Access Controls: When implementing the self-service platform, use functional access control measures like the use of MFA to ensure that only the authorized individuals can access the service.
  • Automate Access Management Processes: Use automation to manage the access rights grant, update, and revoke process to ensure that they are done efficiently and effectively.
  • Maintain Detailed Audit Logs: Implement a logging and monitoring solution that covers all the access-related activities and ensures that the organization has a proper record to show that it is compliant with the NIS2 and DORA standards.
  • Regularly Review and Update Permissions: Establish a procedure to periodically assess and modify the permissions granted to users and groups to reflect the principle of least privilege and changes in your organization’s requirements.
  • Provide Comprehensive User Training: Provide your employees with as much guidance as possible to make them capable of handling their own access rights and permissions on the company’s systems to ensure its security and compliance.
  • Integrate with Identity and Access Management (IAM) Solutions: It is recommended to synchronize the user and group self-service with an advanced IAM solution to improve the overall access management system and address all the NIS2 and DORA compliance issues.

The user and group self-service you will implement should be fully compliant with NIS2 and DORA, and set your organisation up for effective cybersecurity and regulatory compliance.


The necessity of user and group self-service grows year by year to meet the demands of the advanced cybersecurity threats and changing regulations. With the help of the solutions that allow your employees to set up their access rights and permissions by themselves, not only can you improve the general experience of utilizing your platform but also contribute significantly to the compliance with the high standards established by NIS2 and DORA.

Enhance access management, increase security, and prove compliance effectively. NIS2 and DORA, user and group self-service should be a core strategy to become more secure, efficient, and compliant.

Written by Avatier Office